
What To Add To Water To Prevent Mosquitoes

How to Kill Mosquito Larvae in Pet H2o

| Updated September 26, 2017

Eliminate musquito larvae from your pets' water by emptying bowls daily, purchasing a pet fountain or using water treatments. Eliminate them from ponds and other moisture patches in your yard -- any trunk of continuing water, no matter how small, is a spot for mosquitoes to lay eggs that will become larvae.

Dog Water Dishes

dog water bowl

i marekuliasz/iStock/Getty Images

Empty canis familiaris and true cat water dishes outdoors daily so the water doesn't go stagnant and so you'll eliminate whatsoever eggs that have been laid in the h2o in the prior day. Don't merely rinse the dishes -- disinfect with a paste of equal parts water, salt and baking soda. Identify the mixture on a sponge and launder the interior and exterior of the dish. Rinse the dish with clean h2o.

Pet Fountain

Measuring Spoons

i TiSanti/iStock/Getty Images

Consider using a pet fountain for outdoor pet h2o. A fountain moves the water constantly so mosquitoes will non lay larvae in it. Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar per gallon of h2o to the fountain's reservoir to deter mosquitoes from laying eggs in it.

Outdoor Ponds

Pond landsaping

i Elena Elisseeva/Hemera/Getty Images

If you lot have an outdoor pond or h2o garden, it needs to be gratis of musquito larvae for your pets' sake. You can add an aerator to it for water movement, or add some musquito-eating fish to it -- gambusias are called musquito fish; besides, bait minnows or guppies will help to eliminate mosquitoes and their larvae from outdoor h2o gardens and ponds.

Mosquito Dunks

puppy english cocker

i cynoclub/iStock/Getty Images

Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis is an all-natural soil bacterium that prevents mosquito development in h2o, and it's perfectly rubber for pets to drink. You can add together a musquito dunk formulation of B. thuringiensis israelensis to water gardens, ponds or fountains; repeat the handling every month. Musquito dunks are available at garden centers and hardware stores.

What Do Water Lice Eat?

What To Add To Water To Prevent Mosquitoes,


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